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Ndị na-emepụta China maka igwe na-ewepụ igbu egbugbu ọkachamara - 2021 High Power Hot na-ere Picosecond Laser Ọkachamara Multi-functional Ndyag Laser Beauty Equipment Tattoo Removal Machine - Sano


Ụdị ngwaahịa
Ngwaahịa egosipụtara

Ndị na-emepụta China maka igwe na-ewepụ igbu egbugbu ọkachamara - 2021 High Power Hot na-ere Picosecond Laser Ọkachamara Multi-functional Ndyag Laser Beauty Equipment Tattoo Removal Machine - Sano

    Ngwa Laser nke abụọ ☀Dermal pigmentation: akara ọmụmụ, Ota nevus, Ito nevus, black nevus, kọfị ntụpọ afọ ntụpọ freckle wdg. anwụ-ọkụ tụrụ, speckles, ndị agadi flecks, wdg ☀Man made pigmentation: Blue, black, red, or egbugbu aja aja; ahịrị egbugbere ọnụ ma ọ bụ ahịrị nku anya pigmentation Epidermal ☀Vascular lentigines: ọnya vaskụla, arịa spider, veins spider,Ntugharị akpụkpọ ahụ site na peeling laser ☀Ngwọta ihu laser: mgbanwe akpụkpọ ahụ, peeling carbon, mma pore akpụkpọ ahụ. Olee otú Pico abụọ Laser Work na-eji mmetụta mgbawa nke Pico nke abụọ laser, nke na-esi na epidermis banye n'ime dermis nwere uka pigmenti. The laser pulses na nanosecond, ike dị elu. Nke a na-eme ka oke pigmenti zaa ngwa ngwa wee gbawaa n'ime obere iberibe, nke a na-ewepụ site na usoro metabolic nke ahụ. Pico Uru Laser Abụọ ☀Eke dị elu & Ogologo oge mgbụsị akwụkwọ ike na-apụta n'ime puku ijeri nkeji nkeji n'anụ ahụ, nke nwere ike inyocha pigmenti ahụ n'ime obere iberibe karịa Q: mgba ọkụ laser. Enwere ike itinye mkpụrụ osisi pigmenti n'ụzọ dị mfe na ngwa ngwa ☀Obere ihe ize ndụ na obere ihe mgbu Ebe ọ bụ na ebelatala oge pulse ahụ ọtụtụ puku oge, a na-enweta obere mmebi nke akpụkpọ ahụ. Ọgwụgwọ na-adịkwa mma ma na-enwechaghị ihe mgbu ☀ Ngwa ngwa maka iwepụ egbugbu egbugbu, ọ na-abụkarị ọgwụgwọ 6-8 dị mkpa site na Q: mgba ọkụ laser. Site na laser nke abụọ nke pico, naanị ọgwụgwọ 3-4 chọrọ naanị maka iwepụ kpamkpam. ☀Arụmọrụ dị elu nwere ike nweta mkpochapụ egbugbu na pigmenti na teknụzụ nke abụọ Pico Pico Second Laser Imported Arm Wave ogologo: 1064nm, 532nm Mmepụta Ike: Single pulse: 1064nm: 100-800mj; 532nm: 100-400mj Ike njupụta (karịrị): Ugboro abụọ: 1064nm: 100-1600mj; 532nm: 100-800mj 1064nm: 15.0J/cm2; 532nm: 8j / cm2 Pulse duration: 750ps Ntughari Ntughari: 1-10hz nwere ike imeghari nha nha: φ2-10mm nwere ike idozi ìhè ndu ndu: 650nm red laser Cooling System: Emechiri Cycle Water na Air Heat Exchanger Laser nnyefe: Korea 7 jikọtara articulated ogwe aka. : 10.4inch TFT agba ihuenyo mmetụ ike chọrọ: 220V,10A,50/60Hz; 110v,10A, 50 / 60Hz Machine akụkụ: 680mm × 400mm × 820mm Net arọ: 75kg Cheta: Nka na ụzụ data gbanwere agaghị agwa pụrụ iche Tupu na mgbe ngosi Anyị erewo a otutu ngwaahịa na n'ụwa nile. Ụlọ ọrụ anyị na-ekere òkè n'ọtụtụ ihe ngosi kwa afọ, dị ka Italy, Dubai, Spain, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Turkey na Romania. Enwere ụfọdụ foto dị n'okpuru: Ngwugwu na nnyefe Anyị na-ebufe igwe na igbe igwe ọkọlọtọ mbupụ, anyị na-ejikwa DHL, FedEx ma ọ bụ TNT na-ebuga igwe ahụ n'ọnụ ụzọ ruo n'ọnụ ụzọ. Kpọtụrụ: Ruby Mu Email: ruby@sanhebeauty.net Mobile: +8617633631496 (Whatsapp/wechat)